Problem Description:

Implementing pre-commit hooks effectively within a Dockerized application to ensure consistent code quality and adherence to standards during development.

Plan 1: Integration of pre-commit Inside Docker Container

Proposed Plan of Action:

***** Modify docker-compose.yml**:

Update the docker-compose.yml file to include pre-commit as part of the service definition for seamless integration.

version: '3'
    build: .
      - .:/app  # Mount current directory to /app inside the container
    command: pre-commit run --all-files

***** Initialize Git Repository**:

Configure the my-service container to initialize a Git repository upon startup. Use appropriate bind mounts to persist Git data across container restarts.

This approach automates the application of pre-commit hooks without manual intervention. Developers simply run docker-compose up to start the application with pre-commit hooks applied.

Plan 2: Leveraging Hot Reloading Tools and Running pre-commit Locally

Proposed Plan of Action:

***** Utilize Hot Reloading Tools**:

Implement hot reloading tools and bind mounts within the app service to detect code changes dynamically. This avoids the need to restart containers frequently during development.

Example docker-compose.yml snippet:

version: '3'
    build: .
      - .:/app  # Mount current directory to /app inside the container
    command: uvicorn app:app --reload

***** pre-commit will be executed locally**